Sunday, November 2, 2014

What is your favorite subject and why?
             "Cognitive psychology tells us that the unaided human mind is vulnerable to many fallacies and illusions because of its reliance on its memory for vivid anecdotes rather than systematic statistics," said Steven Pinker. Since my early adolescence, I have been greatly fascinated by the human mind, body, and behavior. During my sophomore year at Fairfax High School I decided to take a couple of college courses to enhance my knowledge of several careers I sought to assimilate on. I enrolled in Sociology, Philosophy, and Psychology at Los Angeles City College and the class I looked forward to the most was Psychology. My favorite subject is Psychology because it is quite interesting, significant to acknowledge, and relates to my future career profession.
            The field of Psychology is everywhere that it should be in our basic understood knowledge. Taking a psychology class has enhanced my understanding of the human mind, anatomy, and behavior. In class we studied and learned about several psychotic criminals such as Jeffrey Dahmer and Jack the Ripper. In order for us to understand how and why people become psychotic we first traced back to childhood experiences and searched for any evidence that may explain their psychotic actions, thought, and behaviors. Psychology is used to understand why people suffer from certain disorders and to try and help people overcome it.
             I started my interests in Psychology when I discovered that the human brain fascinates me. The mind is so powerful and so interesting that psychologists haven't even begun to discover what is out there mostly. I took Psychology primarily because I had a real interest in people, why they do what they do, why they think how they think, why they feel the way they feel. It is an interesting subject because we can relate to it as we find out more about ourselves and the human mind, why people are different and what affects this and our personalities. With psychology you can predict, and/or control people. You can see if there lying, or telling the truth. I personally am really interested in psychology because it's just so amazing what you can do and understand with it.
              My future profession goal is to be a neurologist which is why I began taking Psychology in the first place. I believe Psychology will help me a lot in neurology because it focuses on the brain, behavior and people. Taking Psychology really confirmed that I had very much interest in learning and devoting my life to neurology. Helping people is merely my goal in life and I would like to make that as a profession as well.
              Ultimately, I think everybody uses psychology as a tool to either help themselves or other people. Psychology was a great course to take during High School because it made me more serious about my future and career in neuroscience.

1 comment:

  1. The essay begins with a quote that ultimately states the topic of discussion. Further in the introductory paragraph, the writer states their stand; being that the study of psychology is their favorite subject. Writing of personal past experiences creates a better understanding of what might be so interesting and consuming about this subject. As this is a personal essay, first person writing and vocabulary is acceptable. All in all, this is a cohesive and well written essay.
