Saturday, May 30, 2015

Reflection paper on AP Language and Composition Throughout the year of taking Advanced Placement English Language and Composition, I have become more knowledgeable of logical fallacies, rhetorical strategies to approach an essay and have developed ways to improve my use of sophisticated terminology, writing skills and also increase my speed which will all help me during my attendance of a University and in my future professional life.
                      My favorite piece of work in my portfolio would be my Civil Disobedience essay because it was my first essay in which i wrote more than the basic five paragraph essay style but instead I wrote a 500 word essay and I felt proud of myself after for that accomplishment even though I got a C on it. The most improvement I see when I go through my portfolio would be the length and writing improvements. I used to only get a page done in 40 minutes before I took this class but now I can finish 2 pages and a half or even three and formulate my argument instantly after I read the prompt. My formulation skills have improved and also my speed has improved along with it. If there was anything I wished to work on more throughout this year, it would be vocabulary words. My goal is to learn as much vocabulary words as I can to improve and have a vast knowledge of terminology that can use and apply to the sophistication of my writing because I believe that is a very important aspect for a person to improve on no matter what age or grade you are in.
                  The best work I have excelled in and had the best grade in would be on Question 3, and also it is my favorite. Question three’s prompts are very random and can be about any subject which I love writing about also my descriptive essay was my favorite piece of writing because I enjoyed writing about anything and just taking my time. I believe the best part of writing is you can take your time with it and formulate your thoughts without a hurry and there is no right or wrong answer that you can be penalized on.
                      As I started this school year, My focus was on neurology and it remains as it is on neurology. I have taken classes such as Psychology and Physiology to confirm my interests in such a subject and as my classes come to an end, my love for this subject as solely done one thing, grown.

                     This year is almost coming to an end and if I had to choose something in which I loved it would be the discussions the whole class had. I believe the Socratic Seminars were great ways to interact with our fellow classmates and listen to everyone’s opinion about the world and the major problems that are conquering the world and how to solve or approach them like how we discussed discrimination and sexisim. I enjoy listening to what other people have to say and formulating my thoughts based on the pros and cons of other people’s arguments.  I enjoyed these discussions a lot because they didn’t feel as a debate or who’s right or who’s wrong but as people were discussing it felt more as an open place to share your ideas and thoughts with everyone contributing and understanding where you are coming from which I really enjoyed. Even though I haven’t participated a lot because I get super anxious when talking in front of a crowd but I enjoyed listening to people contributing their ideas because it affected my personal thinking in a positive way and It also may have changed my views and caused me to realize many things about this world that I haven’t before. Also, I loved how classmates played the teacher and corrected eachothers writing (Peer Commentary) because it was interesting to see how other people who are at the same level as you view your writing.
           My least favorite task we did was rating people’s essay because I found myself disagreeing with many people on who was the high, medium, and low. Some people chose essays who were in-completed and contained many errors as the medium or the high which frustrated me and the group also did not cooperate and most of the time the group was off task. I believe separating the whole class in 5 different groups is a bad idea because most of the people go off task and never complete the assignment. I have learned throughout this year that I would rather work alone than with a group because I don’t rely on anyone to finish my work and frankly, I don’t trust anyone either with my grade and to finish the assignment how I want it to be done or how it’s supposed to be. I don’t mind working with other people but I prefer working alone. Also, I have learned that I am a very determined person, I am determined to do well in school and in college. I am determined to follow my goals in life and not give up even if it gets really hard, the only person I can rely on to get to the finish line is myself and therefore I will encourage my self motivation to resume until I become a neurologist.

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